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How to make Kucai vegetables

There are so many various of kucai vegetable. First, you should know kucai review as below :
Chives or garlic chives and chives leaves, known as leaf vegetables. Chives rarely used in Indonesian cuisine menu. Chives name comes from Southern Min, "KU-chhài". Its used in  common in Chinese cuisine, such as chicken porridge. On the  China and Japan culinary culture, is a mixture of chives and  Jiaozi (gyoza). Flat leaved chives and white flowers.
Chives differ with Chive , A. schoenoprasum L (chives), which leaves the cylinder (roundworm) and hollow. chives flavour were closer to garlic, so that in English is called garlic-chives and in German is called Knoblauch-Schnittlauch.
The leaves are pungent and dark but with a different flavour leaves leek (A. porrum) and chives (A. cepa, A. fistulosum, A. ascalonicum). Chives flower also can be used  as a spice flavoring.
And here are kucai recipe that you can simply try at home, this recipe are using many ingredients that you can easily found at market, such as, of course, kucai vegetable, chicken egg, white garlic, chiken powder, etc.  This menus will provide you a tasty flavour that can make your mouth watered. Its just need   15 minutes cooking,  and can be as afriend of rice, lets try it, ladies !
1. 3-4 grain chicken egg
2. 2 pcs red garlic, thinly sliced
3. 1 pcs white garlic, thnly sliced
4. 1 tbsp chicken powder
5. 50-100 grams leaves of chives
6. 300 cc cooked water
7. oil for frying of fried onions for topping
8. salt and pepper
1. Fried garlic, shallots until fragrant
2. Enter boiled water and cook until boiling, fried egg in boiling water and cook until cooked
3. Enter leaf juice / chives
4. Add chicken broth, salt and pepper, taste test.
5. Remove and serve along with a sprinkling of fried onions
6. The vegetable is ready to serve
7. Its better served while its warm

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