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How to Make simple Kabocha Purin

Kabocha Purin is Japanish food with vegetables for basic ingredients, we ussualy talk this is a Pudding. Original taste of Kabocha Purin is sweet, you can try simple to making it
Ingredients (for 4 servings)
1. 120gr pumpkin (including seeds and skin)
2. 2 eggs
3. 150 ml of milk
4. 6 tablespoons sugar

1. First, make a caramel sauce for the pudding. Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar and one teaspoon of water in a small saucepan. Stir well. Cook on medium heat. Tilt and rotate the pan to dissolve the sugar. Reduce the heat when the sugar mixture begins to change color. Turn off the heat when the sauce mixture turns golden brown color. Add 2 tablespoons of hot water so as not to burn the caramel sauce. Restart the stove over low heat and cooked until the liquid sauce become  thickened. Remove the pan from the stove.
2. Cut the pumpkin into four parts and use a spoon to discard the seeds and pulp. Steam the pumpkin for about 10 minutes until tender. If no steamer you can boil the pumpkins. Pumpkin skewer with a fork or skewer, if easily penetrated means pumpkins already tender.
3. Use a spoon to take the pumpkin flesh from the skin. The skin will not be used. Enter the pumpkin flesh into a bowl and blended evenly with spoon. In a separate bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of sugar with 150 milliliters of milk. Stir well. Break the eggs in a separate bowl and beat well  until  no remaining white part. You can use chopsticks to whisk the eggs. Gradually enter the sugar and milk mixture into the eggs, stirring. Strain the mixture, then gradually enter the milk and egg mixture into the pumpkin that has been crushed, stir all mixed ingredients.
4. Put water into  steamer and cook until boiling. Placed pudding mixture into 4 small bowls of pudding mold with  2 to 3 centimeters depth. Insert directly the Pudding mold  into steamer, and placed a clean cloth over the steamer then closed. Steamed over medium heat for a minute, then slightly loosen the lid and continue steaming steamer pot over low heat for about 12 to 15 minutes. Note the steaming process to ensure there is steam coming out of a crack steamer pot lid. This is a tip to keep the heat  not too high.
5. Puncture pudding with a fork or skewer, if formed a hole its means the pudding is ready to serve. Allow the pudding in the steamer with a clean cloth stretched over the . Then chill the pudding for a while in the refrigerator. Serve the pudding with caramel sauce poured over it.
Some Japanese dessert made from vegetables
Desserts and sweets made from vegetables is very popular in Japan. Pumpkin is used to make pudding included for sponge cake and other pastries. Vegetables are also used for traditional sweets. Amanatto are  various types of beans boiled in sugar, dried and then coated with sugar. Zunda-mochi rice cake refers coated with a sweet paste made from edamame beans. While Daigaku-imo, sweets ever we review how made in December 2012, is the sweet potato fries were coated with caramelized sugar. In October 2013 and we also discussed the Imo-yokan recipes or sweet potato pie made from boiled potatoes lumatan. Desserts and sweets made from vegetables is part of the daily life in Japan.

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