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Japanese Banana Cake

What is  Japanese banana cake? lately  mostly country  are shown a unique creations latest of a cake  more known as the banana japanese  cake , not  chil, but  teenagers to the elderly like  this cake, it tastes good and delicious, this cake are  lately grown  rapidly and quickly to spread throughout the world.
And here are the recipe of japanese banana cake, its not difficult to make it at home, and no need long time to realized it. You just follow this recipe using any ingredients that you can simply found in the market
1. 50 grams  wheat flour
2. 75 ml milk
3. 75 grams sugar
4. 2 chicken eggs
5. 1 tablespoon vanilla esen
banana vla materials
1. 1 piece  banana
2. 150 ml milk
3. 3 tablespoons sugar
4. 1 egg
5. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
6. 1/2 tablespoon vanilla essence
How to Make Banana Cake Japan:
1. First of all, you should   make the  vla first, to make easy enough mix ed all ingredients  then filtered and boiled over low heat until boiling while continuously stirring
2. Once cooked,  enter essen vanilla mix and let stand until it cool  or not heat then enter in to triangle  plastic, then set aside
3. for  cake sponge material,  mixed sugar and egg  for 4 minutes using the highest speed.
4. enter  the flour and stir until smooth and pour he  liquid milk as well. stir again.
5. Prepare  20x20 baking dish spread with a little margarine and flour, put the dough into the pan and bakeed  in the oven 150 degrees Celsius in  temperature until cooked.
6. Remove and let cool further in the first cut into 8 pieces in  10x10x1cm size. Put the banana custard on top and then roll the pieces using plastic.
7. set aside to make it rolled for 10 minutes. Remove the rolled plastic  and you can serve.
8. japanese banana cake better served while it warm

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