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Tamagoyaki Recipe, Egg Japanese Food

Tamagoyaki is japanese food with base ingredients is egg, salt and sugar. How flavor or taste this food? main taste is sweet and salty. How to make?
Ingredients of Tamagoyaki :
3-4  chicken egg
2 tbsp full cream liquid milk
2 tbsp  carrots, diced
2 tbsp  beans, diced
2 tbsp mushroom, chopped
onions leaf
Salt and pepper
cooking oil just to smear
How to cook tamagoyaki:
1. Stir the eggs, and put all the ingredients
2. Rub the oil into frying pan with a brush. Warmed up in a small fire. This time we use a 12 cm  rectangle pan specifically to make tamagoyaki
3. Pour the egg a little bit until it covers the entire pan surface
4.  Fold the egg from side to side beneath the surface. Then tap the eggs when its  no longer sticky
5. Pour the egg again until  it covers the entire surface pan (including bottom side of the eggs that have been folded) make sure the  thickness is approximately equal. After its no longer sticky, folded the part of  the eggs which have been folded
6. Repear this process up to 5-6 layers of eggs. Rub the oil if the pan is already too dry. After the folding process, do not forget to tap the egg to the side of the pan until it become a rectangular solid
7. Lift the egg when its as thick as desired. Wait until it warm, then cut to the desired size

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