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Fennel And Apple Soup Healthy Recipe

Fennel  is a versatile crop, the seeds used as seasoning, bread topping, mix the sauce and raw materials for drugs. While the leaves often a sprinkling of cooking seafood, poultry, meat or sauces complement the dish. While tubers are used as vegetables, especially as mixed salads, soups, stir-fries and grilled dishes mixed materials.
The taste of fennel scented and there is a little bit spicy flavor. Like the taste of celery sticks were great. Fennel contains anethole. This substance can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and stomach. Fennel also contains aspartic acid, which acts as an agent anti boath. No wonder, if later many people have the habit of chewing fennel seeds after meals. Fennel is quite popularly called 'after mint'.
Fennel has many benefits like Increase the amount of milk for breastfeeding mothers.
Lowering cholesterol, smooth bowel movement and prevent colon cancer. because of high fiber. This fiber also aids in the excretion of toxic substances that could potentially cause cancer.
Help lower blood pressure, prevent strokes and heart attacks because it is rich in potassium and folic acid. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory strong because it contains flavonoids rutin, quercitin, and kaempferol glycosides. In addition fennel bulbs are rich in Vitamin C which is an antimicrobial and very important for the immune system. Vitamin C is a major antioxidant that is soluble in water, served neutralize free radicals which is the cause of damage to body cells resulting in joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. Okay, once we know the benefits of fennel, today we will try to cook Fennel and Apple soup.

Makes about 8 cups

1 onion, minced
3 small shallots, minced
3 fennel bulbs, diced
1 apple, peeled, cored and diced
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon fennel seed
1 quart vegetable stock or low-sodium broth
½ teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
½ teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1. Gently sauté the onion and shallots in 1 tablespoon olive oil without browning them.
2. Add the fennel and apple. Season with pepper.
3. Stir in the fennel seeds and cover with stock. Simmer for 30 minutes.
4. Add thyme, and season with up to ½ teaspoon salt and more pepper to taste.
5. Transfer to a blender and puree, adding remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil.
This soup is suitable for those who want to lose weight
Healthy food healthy body

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